2025 Resolutions

It’s that time of the year where we GET to intentionally plan for another meaningful and epic year! That’s how I view New Year’s Day and New Year Resolutions anyway. Many people are anti-resolutions, saying they never come to fruition so why even try? Personally, I believe that mentality suggests a fault in those people’s resolution-setting system. In this blog, I share my system.

A lot of failed resolutions come from setting intentions. That’s a recipe for failure. I know that if I set an intention, nothing substantial will happen. For example, if I say, “This year I am going to eat healthier,” I will probably not eat much healthier. However, if I set a measurable goal as a resolution instead of an intention, I am way more likely to achieve it. For example, if I say, “This year I am going to drink three liters of water per day” or “This year I am going to eat one salad each night for dinner,” now I have measurable goals that I clearly know how to achieve and if I achieved it.

Get granular with measurable goals!

Get as specific and simple as possible with one goal per resolution. For example, do not say, “This year I am going to drink three liters of water per day and eat one salad each night for dinner.” With this statement, if you fail one, you fail the resolution. Instead, write two resolutions, one for each goal. This way, if you achieve one and not the other, you can at least check off one at the end of the year and that feels really good! That feeling will keep you setting goals in the future!

“If it’s not written down, it doesn’t happen.”

Per my mentor, Dr. Briget Eastep. And though I don’t have statistics on hand to back this statement up, I have read A LOT of research that suggests if a goal is written down, it is far more likely to be accomplished. Thus, write down your measurable resolutions!

After you write them down, take it a step further and post those written measurable resolutions somewhere where you see them EVERY DAY!

My written measurable resolutions hang on a bulletin board next to where I sleep. Every morning when I wake, I see my written measurable goals and every night before I sleep, I see my written measurable goals.

Do not feel bad if you do not accomplish all of your resolutions! That leads to total future failure! People who refuse to set resolutions because they believe they never come true, fail to set resolutions for what could be an epic future! THAT IS SAD AND PATHETIC!

I am 40, therefore, I have 40 resolutions this year! If I only accomplish half, that means I achieved TWENTY resolutions this year! That's about TWENTY more than the average American and DEFINITELY 20 more than the people who refuse to set resolutions because they are prisoner to their previous failures!

So if you’re anything like me and love to pursue a better life, please take some much needed YOU time and get granular with your posted, written, measurable resolutions for 2025. Want some ideas or examples? Feel free to use or tweak mine to your benefit:

  1. Hike Mount Harvard

  2. Hike Mount Missouri

  3. Hike & overnight Crestone Peak

  4. SUP Molas Lake

  5. Thru-Hike the Collegiate Loop

  6. Thru-Hike the Rainbow Trail

  7. Hike Halls Canyon

  8. Hike Upper Mulley’s Twist

  9. Hike Lower Mulley’s Twist

  10. Hike one new trail in the Uintas

  11. Hike every route on Mount Fuji

  12. Hike Borah Peak

  13. Hike Boundary Peak

  14. Hike Everest Base Camp after Bali

  15. Climb the Flat Irons

  16. Visit Valley View Hot Springs

  17. Visit Durango Hot Springs

  18. 10% growth in BE

  19. Graphics on trailer

  20. Read book on adventure

  21. Read book on simplicity

  22. Read book on being in pursuit

  23. Read book on business

  24. Read book on finance

  25. Read book on marketing

  26. Read book on Capitol Reef

  27. Read book on the Uintas

  28. Read book on the Colorado Rocky Mountains

  29. Read book on anything

  30. Install Free Little Library outside office

  31. Install Free Stick Library outside office

  32. Install a bike rack outside office

  33. Put table and chairs outside office

  34. Purchase second easel for boardwalk

  35. Ninstant coffee on website

  36. Like-new gear on website

  37. Save 10% revenue for IRA

  38. Save 10% revenue for taxes

  39. Adopt one section of highway in Colorado (ARV or LC)

  40. Purchase one full set of youth gear.

Phew, there you have it! A whole host of resolutions that I can easily check off when completed. No intentions, only written granular measurable resolutions. No grey areas, only black and white. Simple! Will I complete all of these? Probably not. Will I complete at least half? More than likely. Cheers to epic 2025!

BE Outside, BE Simple, BE In Pursuit.

BE You, Better!


Like what you read? Consider Belay’s journey pick of the year - Alpine Loop Hike & Bike! A true test and betterment of the self!

Interested in hearing Belay’s philosophies in person? Book Belay for a speaking event!



