
“The more you know, the less you need…Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.”

- Yvon Choiunard / H.D. Thoreau

Stop! In the name of love before you break your bank! BE doesn’t want you spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on brand new gear. Work with what you have until you learn what you want. If you want to upgrade an item, watch our gear tutorials below! If you prefer to rent gear, rent through BE at checkout. No other rental company provides the same quality of gear. Trust us, we did the research!

Gear List

You will be camping at multiple locations. You must be able to fit all your gear inside your backpack or bicycle panniers! Remember, less is more. Be multi-purpose and stick to the list!

Expedition Gear List


Shopping for gear? Let us help! Checkout our gear tutorials for information, guidance, and tips!


Rental Gear
from $246.00
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